John Ireland Bulthuis

John Ireland Bulthuis Born on February 23 2005 at 12:01AM... 7 lbs. 1 oz. 20 inches tall

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

2 month birthday 4/20

tummy time

Monday, April 18, 2005


April 18 playtime in morning

good boy

1st shower.. painting in room


favorite shirt

breakfast at beachbreak


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Uncle Jason and Aunt Nicole head back to NJ April 11

Willow Tree house Botanical Gardens

Visit to Botanical Gardens April 10

Aunt Nicole with Boz April 10

Uncle Alex and Boz Natural Cafe

Lunch with Boz at Natural Cafe April 9

Grandpa Sonny and Captain Kickass

Playtime with Uncle Jason

Aunt Nicole

Uncles Jason & Chuck

Grandpa Sonny Granny Kath

Uncle Chuck holds John for the first time April 6

Out to Dinner at Brewhouse with Uncle Jason Uncle Chuck Aunt Nicole and God Mother Vicki

God Father JShea #9

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Grandpa Sonny & Mom

Teri & Jim

girls at Teri/Jim's bbq 4.2

Gemma & John

Uncle Brian Aunt Gina & Noah at the park

Cousins Noah & Gemma visit April 2

Uncle Jason meets John April 1

Uncle Jason meets John April 1

Judy Leslie & Lizzy meet John april 1